Kaela Jenkins
One day Kaela went out to buy diapers and milk for her baby. While she was out she was approached by a guy that offered her meth. One hit of the drug spiraled into years of drug addiction. Kaela believed the lies of a drug dealing pimp that told her a drug could take away the stress and pressure of being a single mom. Instead of a solution to her problems Kaela got caught up in an abusive relationship with a man that pimped her out for years. She lost her children and eventually found herself living on the streets.
Kaela was tired, broken and angry when she arrived at Inner City Action. She didn’t want anything to do with God and combated the staff and leadership every chance she got. But the unrelenting, consistent love that she was show eventually tore down the walls she had built to protect herself. Here she found the unconditional love, peace and healing that transformed her life.
She was reunited with her children not long after and is now part of their lives. She is one of many that have been restored by the love and power of Jesus Christ.